Norquist sees Nazis

Published January 23, 2004 9:49PM (EST)

Grover Norquist isn't backing away from comparing estate tax supporters to perpetrators of the Holocaust. Norquist, a top GOP strategist and tax advisor to President Bush told the Forward: "The Nazis were for gun control, the Nazis were for high marginal tax rates. Do you want to talk about who's closer politically to national socialism, the Right or the Left?"

Norquist said his Nazi talk was justifiable because he was pointing out misguided "socialist policies." Yet he condemned submissions to the "Bush in 30 seconds" ad campaign that compared Bush to Hitler. The ads were only temporarily posted on's Web site, and Moveon's founder publicly regretted not filtering out the ads. Nonetheless, Norquist saw in the clips "a deliberate effort to smear."

But Norquist says he won't stop using Hitler analogies to criticize his political opponents. "The Left has misused the Hitler analogy for the past 50 years in defense of the socialists and the communists," Norquist said. "All my life Richard Nixon was a 'Nazi,' and Reagan was a 'Nazi,' and everybody on the right was a 'Nazi.' That's what the left does. That's their one standard thing."

By Geraldine Sealey

Geraldine Sealey is senior news editor at

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