Embracing the "netroots," more or less

Published February 12, 2005 3:54PM (EST)

At the DNC's Winter Meeting today, there are signs of how far the Democrats have come in embracing the "netroots" -- and just how far they have to go. Jenny Greenleaf, a new DNC voting member from Oregon and darling of the liberal blogosphere, is live-blogging the meeting even as she participates in it. But when she was introduced at the DNC Western Caucus meeeting this morning, her state party chairman suggested that he was a little unclear on the concept. "Jennny works on the Internet," he said. "She does something called blogging, which sounds painful, but she promises that she'll teach us all to do it."

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

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