Obama, Romney go tit-for-tat on who's out of touch

The label "out of touch" is the campaign mantra

Published June 27, 2012 5:45PM (EDT)

WASHINGTON (AP) — If you haven't heard anyone label President Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney out of touch today, consider it a momentary lapse.

"Out of touch" is the go-to label of Campaign 2012.

Both candidates are working overtime to firmly affix it to the other guy. And they're trying to keep it from sticking to their own skin.

The label packs a lot of punch in just three words: It communicates that a candidate can't relate to voters, doesn't care about them and can't be counted on to represent their best interests.

This year, the out-of-touch message is being chanted like a mantra by both sides.

But Romney — with his vast wealth and some cringe-worthy sound bites — has proven more vulnerable on the issue.

By Nancy Benac

MORE FROM Nancy Benac

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