Samantha Bee's devastating Ted Cruz kiss-off: "Godspeed, you terrifying, fundamentalist swamp Reagan"

"Respect to Ted Cruz for fighting the good fight against the asteroid that just destroyed a party of dinosaurs"

Published May 10, 2016 11:45AM (EDT)

"Full Frontal" host Samantha Bee mourned Ted Cruz's departure from the GOP primary.

After a thorough loss to Donald Trump in the "must-win" state of Indiana last week, Cruz finally decided to put a fork in his campaign.

"We were all blindsided by Ted Cruz suspending his campaign," Bee said. "No one more than me. I think you know what that man meant to 'Full Frontal.'"

She then rolled a montage of descriptors for Cruz she's used in past episodes (e.g. "The world's only unlikeable Canadian," "America's Newman").

"Respect to Ted Cruz for fighting the good fight against the asteroid that just destroyed a party of dinosaurs," she continued. "Godspeed, you terrifying, fundamentalist swamp Reagan."

Watch the full segment below:

By Brendan Gauthier

Brendan Gauthier is a freelance writer.

MORE FROM Brendan Gauthier

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