How to deliver better speeches and presentations

Published August 7, 2018 7:00AM (EDT)

You've probably heard this before: most people's biggest fear, even over the fear of death, is giving a speech. But public speaking rears its head in so many ways that mastering the art of delivery is a positive one to hone: whether you're trying to impress a potential employer during your next interview, want to deliver a tearjerker speech at your best friend's wedding, or give the biggest promotion-winning presentation of your life, there's always a reason why you'd want to convey your ideas well.

The Public Speaking Bundle includes four different courses that help you plan out what you'll say, with tips and tricks from experts. They include:

The Complete Presentation & Public Speaking Course

This course is divided into 12 parts, breaking down the public speaking process: from identifying who your audience is (your friends and family versus your management team), to drafting and editing your speech, to structuring it in a way that makes it captivating. You also get access to 25 speech guides and 50+ slide templates to streamline the amount of time you spend on the basic, foundational stuff.

Mind Mapping For Public Speaking: Plan, Rehearse & Deliver

Mind mapping is a holistic way of brainstorming: think about it like getting down all your thoughts into a web-based structure, and then eventually linking concepts to other concepts to create a framework. In terms of delivering speeches, it helps establish a central idea so you can reduce preparation time, overcome writer's block, and even memorize a presentation based off one technique and a single sheet of paper.

Persuasion Masterclass: How To Powerfully Influence Anyone

You can find a good reason to influence people in just about any space: from selling products, to giving advice, this course includes a three-step persuasion blueprint used by the world’s most influential people to help you get your point across and get what you want. It even includes a 10-step persuasion checklist that you can go through before any important conversation or speech.

Public Speaking Hacks

Discover how you can deliver an amazing presentation every time, with five simple principles you can apply to every single speech you give. You'll also learn how to combat stage fright, and spend less time prepping for your speeches.

Start making an impact every time you present to a group: usually the Public Speaking Bundle is $639.96, but you can get it now for $19.

By Salon Marketplace

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