Did Trump ask Whitaker to meddle in New York investigations? Congress believes it may have proof

“If they really want to, they can always find something on anyone,” Trump said, according to a source

Published February 26, 2019 12:19PM (EST)

Donald Trump; Matthew Whitaker (AP/Salon)
Donald Trump; Matthew Whitaker (AP/Salon)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story

According to The Wall Street Journal, The House Judiciary Committee believes it has evidence of President Donald Trump’s communication with his former acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker about his former fixer and personal lawyer Michael Cohen.

The committee says it has evidence of Trump meddling into the 2018 investigation into Cohen and the Southern District of New York’s probes into the Trump Organization.

“Talking to advisers, Mr. Trump appeared concerned that an ‘out-of-control prosecutor’ examining a person involved in large business transactions would easily be able to find a ‘technical violation,'” the report said.

“If they really want to, they can always find something on anyone,” Trump said, according to the source.

Trump has maintained that a “red line” would be an investigation into his finances, though he’s now growing exasperated that Congress is looking into Cohen’s finances and business dealings.

“He’s frustrated that Congress wants to keep peeling at this,” one of the people close to Mr. Trump said.

The report also revealed Trump’s advisors are relieved that the president is out of the country during Cohen’s three hearings this week. While he’s at his summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un, Trump will have very limited access to watch cable news.

“You’re not going to have a president who is up in the White House residence watching the hearing and then watching the coverage for 24 hours straight,” a close Trump ally told The Journal.

The person noted that while on Air Force One, Trump doesn’t have access to TiVo replay that he does at the White House.

This story is still developing.

By Dominique Jackson

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