Save 67% off this professional-grade curling iron

This curling iron won the 2015 and 2016 QVC Customer Choice® Award for Best Hair Tool

Published September 12, 2019 9:00PM (EDT)

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Those bouncy, beautiful, lively curls are almost always worth it. Almost. If you're tired of fighting with your old curling iron and taking your skin's life into your hands every time you try to get a curl before going out on the town, it's probably time to invest in a new curling iron. Incidentally, the Calista Perfecter Pro Grip Heated Round Brush just so happens to be 67% off today.

This curling iron won the 2015 and 2016 QVC Customer Choice® Award for Best Hair Tool and you can get it today for just $32.99. It features a slew of modern features like fusion heat technology that combines ceramic and ionic properties to promote healthier and longer-lasting styles. You'll be able to get healthier, more luscious curls in less time, too, thanks to the high-performance dual heaters and you won't have to worry about burns due to the protecting bristle design.

You don't have to shell out hundreds for professional styling. This Calista Perfector Pro Grip Heated Round Brush is being sold as an Open Box product, which means it has been returned after opening but still runs like new. Still, that Open Box means you get a huge discount. Grab it for $32.99 today.


Calista Perfecter Pro Grip Heated Round Brush (Open Box) - $32.99

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