Elaine Chao favored Kentuckians represented by husband Mitch McConnell in grant meetings: report

“The marriage is the thing that underlies all of this,” Mel Dubnick, a professor of government ethics, says

Published October 7, 2019 9:20AM (EDT)

Elaine Chao; Mitch McConnell (Getty/Jeff Swensen)
Elaine Chao; Mitch McConnell (Getty/Jeff Swensen)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story.

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao gave preference to Kentuckians — who are represented by her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — during meetings set up in her first 14 months on the job.

A quarter of all her scheduled meetings with state officials from January 2017 to March 2018 were set up with Kentuckians, who make up only 1.3 percent of the U.S. population, reported Politico.

The next closest, Indiana and Georgia, scored six percent of her meetings each, according to her calendars that have been made public.

At least five of Chao’s 18 meetings with Kentucky officials were requested in emails from McConnell staffers who flagged the local officials as “friends” or “loyal supporters.”

Those emails sometimes noted topics the officials wanted to discuss with Chao or ask for special favors, including consideration for federal grants.

Chao aide Todd Inman helped advise the Senate majority leader and local Kentucky officials on Transportation Department grants totaling $78 million for the mayor of Owensboro, a McConnell stronghold in western Kentucky.

Home-state bias is a common problem in federal grants, but Chao’s marriage to the Senate majority leader adds a new layer of issues, according to ethics experts.

“The marriage is the thing that underlies all of this,” said Mel Dubnick, a professor of government ethics and accountability at the University of New Hampshire.

By Travis Gettys

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